Here we go again!

Summary: Aleh Tech prioritizes employee well-being and product excellence. Our skilled team excels in Blockchain, Web3, AI, and app development. Follow our blog for insights and lessons from our journey.

At Aleh, our foundation is rooted in a compelling ideology. With an extensive background spanning various companies and sectors within the IT industry, our founders envisioned a company that would prioritize the well-being and prosperity of its employees just as much as the excellence of the products developed under its banner. Our ambition is to carve out a legacy of distinction among the multitude of IT enterprises across Asia. What’s more, we are committed to making a significant, positive impact on the lives of those who journey with our company.

At Aleh, we take pride in our specialized approach rather than claiming to be a jack of all-trades. We have deliberately honed our expertise in selected domains, ensuring that our proficiency is top-notch. Our core competencies lie in Blockchain, Web3, Web, and Mobile Application Development. With some of Pakistan’s best talent on our team, we are now also working with Artificial Intelligence, an area our team finds particularly thrilling and brimming with possibilities. 

The founding members of Aleh once collaborated under a single banner, eventually parting ways to further refine our skills. The reassembly of this pivotal group was instrumental in Aleh’s inception—without them, our company’s story would be completely different. With prudent planning and sufficient capital to bear the initial months, our core team reunited to lay the groundwork. In the early days, our five core members were juggling everything, managing everything from development and quality assurance to dev-ops. But the vision for Aleh was clear: to attract and retain top-tier talent by ensuring a secure financial runway for at least the first year. 

Of course, we encountered our share of missteps along the way, which proved to be invaluable. These experiences gave us profound insights into the thought processes of board members and the reasoning behind our strategic decisions. Before moving on, a huge huge shoutout to; Ahsan Ihsan, Fasih Haider, and Saad Raja. These guys were and are the REAL MVPs, working on different projects, pulling nighters, and doing multiple jobs to make sure Aleh was put on the map. 

Life At Aleh

We don’t call Aleh a “big happy family” because that’s where the misconception lies, we are colleagues. Most companies fail to realize having a family-like culture leads to excessive working hours and dissatisfied employees. We also don’t want to roll out a sermon and shower you with grand promises. Because we are a startup, the management does put in extra effort in the initial phase so that new employees can join Aleh’s team easily, ensuring they don’t find themselves in situations where they are working beyond contractual hours, but when they are, they are compensated for it highly. From a strategic standpoint, we find it incompetent to celebrate economic success at the cost of dissatisfied, overworked, and underpaid employees. Our belief: you can be successful, and you can do it the right way! 

At Aleh, we cultivate an environment enriched with positive energy, smiles, and laughter. Work is important, but so is joy. We embrace a hybrid work model that mixes flexibility with productivity. While our team has the liberty to work remotely, Fridays are reserved as a universal work-from-home day because we like the weekend vibes to kick in early. One aspect we don’t overlook is the equipment—a detail some IT companies ignore. We have seen far too many videos on LinkedIn where companies boast about their employee strength but have them working on a 7th gen i5 banged-up laptop. Thanks to our tech-enthusiast co-founders, our gear is a state of the art. Designers have Pro Art displays, front-end developers work with 100% sRGB monitors, and developers have the power of Ultrabooks and M2. And the icing on the cake? Employees have the option to work on up to three external monitors because we understand that a single laptop screen doesn’t always cut it.

Our culture and values derive our decisions every day. One thing we have learned is that just writing down your values, and claiming to have a “good culture” isn’t enough. We have made mistakes that we don’t want to make again. We have multiple team dinners, flexible working hours, and a gaming station where you can take out your stress with solo stories or get competitive against your colleagues, not to forget UaNO to bring out all that pent-up toxicity. While there is a lot to add in and a better balance to strike, we are confident that we are on the right track!

Doing it the “Aleh way”

Every company has a blog page that is filled with technical and complex topics. It definitely helps your SEO game, but how many people actually read your blog? Keeping that question in mind, we have decided to do things differently. 

Our blog will be a space where we will be sharing our personal experiences as individuals and as a team. Because we are a startup that has made it out of (almost) the hardest phase, which is getting your business on its toes, we want to share our journey and help other entrepreneurs navigate their journey. Our blogs will come in different forms; there will be advice blogs, opinion blogs, lesson blogs, and, of course, ad-hoc blogs about current events and trends in the Blockchain and Web3 world every now and then. Some things we will make sure to include across them all is our knowledge, experiences, and lessons learned, both good and bad.

To those who made it to the end of this blog, you are in for surprises from today onwards. If we managed to keep you interested this far, then we have loads more in store that you’re going to love. Stay tuned! 

Work-life balance is about integrating work into life. It’s not about working less, but finding joy in what you do and managing time effectively. Prioritize tasks that align with your strengths and practice gratitude.
Wendy’s is enhancing its drive-thrus with Google’s AI, “FreshAI,” to speed up orders and improve accuracy. The AI chatbot integrates with Wendy’s app and kiosks, handling 86% of orders correctly. Wendy’s now accepts Shiba Inu (SHIB) as payment. Reactions are for mixed for now.
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